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Crafts: Ideas & Instructables



A little bit of STEM with circuitry.  A lot of fun!


Duxbury's Arduino Wall

This video is about 2015 Arduino Garden Wall built at the Duxbury Free Library by the teen department.


Slime without Borax

Sticky and stretchy with only two ingredients!


Glowing Orbs (Download)

This is a PDF of instructions on how to create colorful, battery-powered orbs.


Feed Me!

Candy Mosaics

Gather paper plates, icing, and a bunch of hard candies!​


Melted Snowman Cookies

Cookies, icing, and marshmallows.


Apple Snickerdoodle Pie

A no-bake program. Teens create pies at the library, then take home to bake.




Kirigami Christmas Trees

Origami paper preferred, but not required.​


Graham Cracker Gingerbread Houses

An oldie, but a goodie! Gather graham crackers, icing, and candy then let your teens decorate (and eat!) a seasonal treat.


Halloween Luminaries

You will need a Mason jar, some paint, and (Optional) stencils.  


Mini Peace Dove Mobiles

Use this site's dove template to create a simple paper dove, then perch it on a white painted branch and tie off everything with yarn!

A is for Artful

Duct Tape Flowers

You just need Duct Tape (fancy designs recommended) and a pen or pencil!​


Fidget Spinners

Several designs for the wildly popular toy/sensory tool.​


Mini Galaxy Jars

Supplies include cotton, fabric paint, water, and glitter. Mini jars found at Oriental Trading.


CD Scratch Art

Paint a CD with acrylic paint, let dry, then scratch away with a toothpick or sharp instrument for an iridescent design.


Sticky Sand Art

An easy "kit" that can be bought from places like Oriental Trading. Low prep.


Mosaic Art

A small canvas + tacky glue + small craft materials (glass beads, buttons, sequins, glitter, etc.).


Book Hedgehogs

Cute idea to re-purpose those old Harlequins! There are different methods of folding so find one that fits for you and your teens.


Watercolor Spider Webs (or snow !)

Gather watercolor paper, white crayons, watercolor paints and brushes, & salt. Great for most ages (grades 2-12). 


Pom Pom Pets

You will need yarn, scissors, forks, and "decoration" supplies.  This includes wiggle eyes, felt, pipe cleaners, etc. Teens may create their own mini pom poms, then decorate to create a cute pet! Possibilities include pigs, birds, spiders, and more!


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